The Wayne C. King Memorial Skate Park was first built in 1999. Wayne C. King was an Ontario City Councilman who dedicated years of civic and volunteer community service. The Skate Park was dedicated in his name on July 13th, 1999. King was an active supporter of the skate park. In 2002, Denise Mowder raised a total of $5,100 for additions to the skate park. Mowder raised money as a memorial for her late son, Scott Foremny, who passed away in July of 2001. Foremny was an active user of the park and spent most of his free time there with his friends. The city matched $3,900 (equivalent to the funds raised at a silent auction) allowing the purchase of a pyramid style skateboard ramp and two quarter pipes for the park. Additional help was given by retired Ontario Police Officer George Tolman. Tolman was a student resource officer at the Ontario Middle School at the time.
Park Dedication
A Tribute to Scott
Skate Park Rules/Hours
Skate park is open from sunrise to sunset
Please dispose of all garbage properly in trash bins
Do not leave garbage on benches, in bushes, underneath ramps, or on ground
If you see someone misusing the skate park, please call the office at 541-889-7686 or email to report it
Skate at your own risk